Nexa’s commitment to our consultants’ personal development
At Nexa, we are constantly making sure we go the extra mile by offering enhanced support to help our consultants. We recently wrote about this in our blog: Nexa’s enhanced support for its consultants goes the extra mile.
As part of this we are highly focused on the wellbeing of our lawyers and want to make sure they all get the personal development assistance they deserve.
Introducing Judy Salmon
That’s why we are delighted to be working with experienced business coach and personal development consultant, Judy Salmon.
Judy specialises in helping professionals develop and enhance their human skills – such as communication and confidence -in order to improve their business effectiveness.
Judy is offering our consultants the chance to access some fantastic training and coaching, dealing with business issues such as how to talk to clients, how to get ready for a pitch, how to deal with failure and general confidence matters.
Judy is an ideal sounding board who helps our consultants work through issues that may be worrying them and is available for confidential one-to-one sessions.
The story so far…
During the pandemic, Judy set up and delivered virtual workshops for us at Nexa which really helped everyone stay connected. She also interviewed a range of experts in their own particular field.
Judy continues to stay in touch with Nexa’s consultants and has created and delivers monthly, virtual “think tank” sessions. These sessions are open to everyone at Nexa who wants to join in real time and have the opportunity to discuss a smorgasbord of subjects that all contribute to helping maintain morale and personal effectiveness.
Judy told us:
“As self-employed consultants, Nexa’s lawyers have to navigate the pressures of running their own business, building and maintaining relationships with clients, as well as being experts in their field and keeping up with the law and their professional obligations.
These dual pressures can lead to periods of stress, and occasionally, to a crisis of confidence. Sometimes people just want to improve the way they operate in one area of their professional life because they realise, they are not being as effective as they could be. Or they just want to challenge themselves a little more and get better at something.
My role is to help consultants and their businesses perform to the best possible standard. Together we create practical strategies to bring positive improvement and results. By helping individuals with their own self-awareness and improving their confidence in areas where they feel vulnerable, I hope to be able to facilitate improvements in personal effectiveness within the business.”
Judy can also help our clients
Judy has worked across a wide range of sectors and businesses and is available to Nexa clients as a helpful resource to assist with their own internal issues. If you would like an introduction to find out more about what Judy can offer, just ask your usual Nexa lawyer.
We have everything you need for you to run your own legal business hassle-free.